Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Seed

Hi my name is Vivienne and I am in room 17 a year 6 student. My amazing teacher Miss Garden, read us a book that is called The Seed. The Seed is about two tribes,a scarab tribe and a chafer tribe. There is a boarder that splits there lands. One day a seed fell right on the boarder and both tribes did not know what to do with it. Both tribes researched the seed and said “With 100% its a cherry tree” At the end both tribes decided to have a war to see who gets the cherry tree but a great big tree was blocking the sun. All the beetles looked at the tree and realized it was the cherry tree so there was no war. This is a picture I drew. It is one of the scarab beetles. I hoped you enjoyed my post and my picture.

1 comment:

  1. Vivienne I really enjoyed your beautiful lovely story it is kind of like the best story I have ever read this year. I also like your scarab beetle it looks really cool I wish I could drew like you.


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