Wednesday, February 29, 2012


At extention we played 'Guess Who'. It was really fun. Our stickers on our forehead were about careers. It took a while to guess what I was but I got there and I got it right. I was an author. This is a really easy game so maybe you could play this game with your family.

To become an author you need to have a lot of practices. To do that you could write about fairytales. This will help you to become an author. Another great author is Fleur Beale and she has written over twenty novels for teenagers.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Symbols About Me

This is a picture of me and also four symbols that are all about me. Symbol 1: Sports. I love to play sports, especially netball and touch. Symbol 2. As you can see there is a Tongan and the New Zealand Flag. I am full Tongan and the reason why I also have a New Zealand flag is because I have lived here my whole life. Symbol 3, Church. I always go church and I enjoy it. Last of all, family.  I hope you like my picture. Click here to see a whole lot more post like mine.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Think Before You Post- All Together

Snow White has just made the biggest mistake of her life, posting a photo of herself on her facebook page on a whim. Her settings were on private and the only people that could see it was her friends... she thought,  but she was mistaken.

Her friends must have put the photo on another website, which was public. “ Oh no” She said to herself. Snow White saw that everyone had seen her photo online, she felt mortified at herself. She tried in vain to take it off every website she could find it on, but it was everywhere and now everyone could see it.  “I give up” she sulked. Eventually it would go to her parents. “ How embarrassing”

Too often these days people post on pictures, information and many more things that aren't cybersmart. The consequences for this is hurting people, never finding a job and dodgy people might know everything about you. I urge you to think before you post, here are some information for the consequences.

If you want a job in the future you would need a positive footprint. Future employers will google search your name and see all the things you have done in the past. If you have a negative footprint, like bad photos, bad comments they will defiantly not accept you.

You never know that a dodgy person can connect you, show your post to anyone and to share your inappropriate photos to other people. Even though you put your settings on private, one person can change that all. Its simple, they just screen shot your picture,information or anything that is negative and sends it to the world. So are your settings really on private? 

Many people have been hurt by what people say and do online. Some of the things that people say can start an argument. So if you can’t say it directly to their face then why would you say it online?

The Internet is a cool tool to use for learning, and finding out things. But if you do the wrong things on it, things can go wrong. So once again I encourage you to THINK BEFORE YOU POST!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012



Too often these days people post on pictures, information and many more things that aren't cybersmart. The consequences for this is hurting people, never finding a job and dodgy people might know everything about you. I urge you to think before you post, here are some information for the consequences.

If you want a job in the future you would need a positive footprint. Future employers will google search your name and see all the things you have done in the past. If you have a negative footprint, like bad photos, bad comments they will defiantly not accept you.

You never know that a dodgy person can connect you, show your post to anyone and to share your inappropriate photos to other people. Even though you put your settings on private, one person can change that all. Its simple, they just screen shot your picture,information or anything that is negative and sends it to the world. So are your settings really on private? 

Many people have been hurt by what people say and do online. Some of the things that people say can start an argument. So if you can’t say it directly to their face then why would you say it online?

The Internet is a cool tool to use for learning, and finding out things. But if you do the wrong things on it, things can go wrong. So once again I encourage you to THINK BEFORE YOU POST!!!

Show Not Tell

We had a writing activity. My class had to write about a girl that was upset, but we weren't allowed to use the word sad or anything that related to it. Once again me and Ashleigh wrote this together.

Slowly her smile turned upside down which then became a frown. From there, water coming from her eyes travelled down from her face to her hands. She wiped her face again.


This is what I wrote about. It is about being cypersmart. Me and Ashleigh wrote it. Hope you enjoy!!!

Snow White has just made the biggest mistake of her life, posting a photo of herself on her facebook page on in a whim. Her settings were on private and the only people that could see it was her friends... she thought but she was mistaken.

Her friends must have put the photo on another website, which was public. “ Oh no” She flippantly said to herself. She saw that everyone had seen her photo online, she felt mortified at herself. She tried to in vain it off every website she could find it on, but it was everywhere and now everyone could see it. “I give up” she sulked. Eventually it would go to her parents. “ How Embarrassing”


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cold At The Beach

It was a cloudy day at the beach. The sky, grey as can be, was turning more dim by the minute. As soon as I put my foot into the water, shivers ran up my spine and my body was covered with goosebumps. “This was not the best day to be at the beach” I muttered to myself.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Poem About Me

I am a Tongan
Malo e lelei

I am a daughter 
I try to make my parents proud

I am a netball player
Not really the shooting type

I am 11 years old
Soon to be the age of 12

I am a church person
My parents persuades me to go to church

I am a sister
To 2 annoying brothers