The extension group was given a task to make an object and creating it into a toy. Once again we did a random pick. We had to choose a number and behind that number was an object. I choose number 7 and my object was a beautiful necklace. Anyway, it was easy for me to create a toy but I think I can do way better. This is my idea....
So what I have came up with is that you can draw on it. So if you want to remember something like a phone number, you can just write on the necklace and then if you want it off you just wash it with soap. Anyway, there is a game to it as well. This is how you play......
This is the aim of the game. So you find a little object and hide it. Where? I hear you ask, well you can open the big circle beads. Then another person has to guest which one is it in. It is really easy once you get use to it because one circle bead is bigger then the others. That is how you play.
In conclusion I would like to give this toy a name, price, powered and the audience. So, its name is 'A Useful Necklace' created by Vivienne. If you would like to buy one it would be $8.00. This toy is not runed on power. You don't need batteries. I would recommend this to +10. I hope you have enjoyed this and hopefully my toy will actually be created in real life.